Category Archives: Personal

Julia & Nick

You all know by now that I don’t typically take photos of couples alone unless they’re of the maternity-variety.  My little sister, Julia, asked me to make an exception last week while we were at the beach.  She and her boyfriend, Nick, rarely have their photo taken together (outside of a Blackberry pic, perhaps), and...

Mindy and Barry expecting Sawyer

Before I got into photography, I used to teach 4th grade here in Franklin.  It was a really wonderful job and school, and I was lucky to have some pretty fabulous co-workers, including Mindy.  We taught 4th grade together for a couple years before I opted to stay home with Matthew.  She and Barry are...

Being in Business

I’ve been officially “in business” (meaning I got my legal ducks in a row and launched a website) for just under a year.  It has been a fascinating process.  I read this article today, and it really rang true for me.  I wanted to share some of the points from it and give my perspective....

How ECP is different

When I got married 6.5 years ago, I didn’t know anything about photography.  Nada.  Zilch.  I thought a photographer was a photographer was a photographer.  I picked a guy who had shot a couple weddings at my church before, had some nice pictures online, and had a printed portfolio.  The only thing I knew I...

Looking Back- 2011

It unofficially and unexpectedly started in November of 2010 when my friend, Laura, asked if I would take some photos of her 1 month old.  She knew that I’d taken some photography classes earlier in the year and wondered if I’d try those new skills out.  I was thrilled… and slightly terrified.  My main subject...

Middle Tennessee photographer of bumps – babies- children – families
